
How can a person be smart but still surrounded by fools?

Maybe he is a fool who thinks he is clever?

Then cannot we say he is the biggest fool?

What if he is literally smart but surrounded by fools?

What should be done here?

Should he cry because of the situation?

How does he know he should cry because of the situation?

It is bad that he is annoyed because of the circumstances.

He would be relieved if he had smart people around.


Because he was relieved before in the little smart people circles.

So, cannot this be happening because there are fools?

If so, can be there smart people if there weren't fools?

Then, he is only smart compared to the fools.

Who creates the situation?

The smart one?

The foolish one?


Can a cell behave on its own, independent from the organism?

Can the ones in the situation understand how the situation accrued?

Does a fish which never left the water, aware that it is in the water?

Does a fish which never left the water get closer to understanding how it is outside of the water by thinking about it or does it actually go further from reality?

What is reality?

Is the world like how we see it?

Or it is like the patterns as the bee sees it?

Is one is reality and the other is not?

How can we live a common world where every living being in it sees it differently?

Are we living a common world?

Who are we?

Are we seperate being or one being?

If we are one being, then the smart one who is surrounded by fools, is not the one who is disturbing the harmony among others?

Is it because he is different?

Is he cancerous?

Isn't the mind of the body being the brain?

Does the brain get angry about the decisions of the internal organs?

If the brain fights with the organs.

What happens to the brain?

What happens to organs?

What happens to the organism?

Does the brain regulate the organs on purpose?

Does it like it?

Or does it have to do it?

Does it matter for the brain?

If it does not matter for the brain,

Then why does it matter for the smart one to be surrounded by fools?

If it does not matter for the brain, but matters for the smart one,

Does the smart one use his brain?

Why does the brain think differently than it acts?

Would you trust the person who does as the brain does?

If not, how can you trust the brain?

If the smart one does not trust the brain, what does he put his trust in?


Does not experience transform base due to the state of the brain?

What in this life is left pure of brain's disturbances?

Should we drop the brain?

If you think about the question, then you think there is a solution.

Why do you think that?

Can you stop your heart without moving?

Does the thinking stop during Zazen?

So then, should not the priority be to understand the mind which is the product of the brain?

If the external experiences differ due to the state of the mind,

Making the brain transparent in some situations would not make us understand the situation fully and clearly as it is?

Should we think about this question, or should we experience it?

Should not be there a choice to answer this question?

Should we not be able to do this so that there would be a choice?

Should we not train the brain to do that?

Should we not understand the mind to train the brain?

If we are experiencing life based on the state of the mind,

Is not life a product of the mind?

What should be done to understand life?

Can we understand by thinking it?

Can a person see himself without a reflection?

Then, should we not observe this this?

Observe life.

Learn the life.

You will learn the mind when you learn the life.

When you learn the mind, you will learn the brain.

After you learn the brain, you can train the brain.

If you can train the brain, then you can train the mind.

If you can train the mind, you can train life.

If you can train life, you can create new smart people.

Smart people come with foolish people.

If you increase the smart, you increase the fool.

Is the goal here to get rid of the fool?

Then go to the forest,

Climb a mountain.

Are the things there, the rocks, the trees, the lakes, the animals more foolish?

How can this foolishness create and control an order that you cannot?

How is your teacher in this situation?

Did you plan something and made a decision?

Great, but your mind is not trustworthy right now.

Do not forget to observe first.

If you judge what you observed, then your mind comes into play.

Now, the thing that you are observing is different in your perception through the mind.

Now, the mess is bigger.

Do not judge.


Learn life.

Learn mind.

Learn brain.

Train the brain, then the mind will be trained.

Now take a look,

Is your goal still training life?

Are you not trained through the process?

Who do you think has trained you?

How do you think that you are trained?